About Niles Clark

Career highlights past and present

The chief executive officer of the Niles Clark Media Group in the Northern Chicago suburb of Highland Park, Niles Clark provides a variety of brand promotion services for companies in sectors that range from skincare to candy production. Among his other promotional activities, he shoots and edits drone footage for client projects in the construction industry.

Before establishing the media group in 2019, Mr. Clark developed and managed the digital application Change. A different kind of finance app, Change strives to increase customer savings by transforming small amounts of traditional currency into virtual currency.

Niles Clark holds an undergraduate degree in business administration from the School of Continuing and Professional Studies at DePaul University. Before graduating cum laude, he gained admittance to the National Society of Leadership and Success. To further his general business and brand marketing endeavors, he has become proficient in computer platforms such as Excel and Photoshop.